catalogue entry
2002 |
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät |
Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete:
Kristiansund (Norwegen)
Vater: |
Jan William Hoem |
Mutter: |
Else Hoem, nee von Krogh |
1961-1964 |
Teaching and Research Assistantships in Statistics, Univ. Oslo |
1964-1965 |
Research Statistician, Norwegian Computing Center, Univ. Oslo |
1965-1969 |
Assistant Professor of Theoretical Statistics, Department of Economics, Univ. Oslo |
1970-1974 |
Director, Socio-Demographic Research Unit, Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway |
1974-1981 |
Professur, Laboratory of Actuarial Mathematics, Univ. Kopenhagen |
1981-1999 |
Professor für Demographie, Univ. Stockholm |
1999-2007 |
Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung, Rostock |
seit 2002 |
Honorarprofessor, Univ. Rostock |
seit 2009 |
Guest Professor, Stockholm Univ., Demography Unit (Sociology Department) |
akademische Abschlüsse:
Studium |
1964 |
M. Sc. (Versicherungsmathematik), Univ. Oslo |
Studium |
1968 |
M. Sc. (Mathematischer Statistik), Univ. Oslo |
Promotion |
1969 |
Dr. phil., Univ. Oslo
Titel der Arbeit: Markovprosesser i livsforsikring og demografi. |
seit 1999 |
Direktor des Max-Planck-Instituts für demografische Forschung, Rostock |
weitere Mitgliedschaften:
Actuarial Association of Norway |
American Statistical Association |
International Statistical Institute |
International Union for the Scientific Study of Population |
Scandinavian Demographic Society |
Population Association of America |
Werke (Auswahl):
Purged and partial Markov chains. Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift 52 147-155, 1969. |
Sweden’s family policies and roller-coaster fertility (by Britta Hoem and Jan M. Hoem). Journal of Population Problems (Tokyo) 52 1-22, 1997. |
Autonomy or conservative adjustment? The effect of public policies and educational attainment on third births in Austria (by Jan M. Hoem, Alexia Prskawetz, and Gerda Neyer). Population Studies 55 249-261, 2001. |
Educational attainment and childlessness: The relationship between educational field, educational level, and childlessness among Swedish women born in 1955-59 (by Jan M. Hoem, Gerda Neyer, and Gunnar Andersson). Demographic Research 14 (15), pp. 331-380, 2006. |
Early traces of the Second Demographic Transition in Bulgaria: A joint analysis of marital and non-marital union formation (by Jan M. Hoem and Dora Kostova). Population Studies 62 (3), 1-13, 2009. |
eigene Angaben (Stand: Dezember 2013)
eingestellt / geändert:
01.06.2006, editorCP
17.11.2022, administrator
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